Group Benefits Plans

7 Steps to Building a Comprehensive Group Benefits Plans

Companies are increasingly realizing the significance of prioritizing their employees’ health and well-being. At Shepard Walton & Employee Benefits (SWEB), we understand the critical role comprehensive group benefits plans businesses play in nurturing a thriving workplace environment. Let’s delve into a guide to building a comprehensive group health plan for your team’s well-being.

Assess Your Team’s Needs

The foundation of a successful group health plan lies in understanding your team’s unique requirements.

  • Conduct surveys
  • Analyze demographic data
  • Engage in open dialogue with employees to comprehend their health concerns, preferences, and expectations.


Or simply hire SWEB to provide all this research for you as well as your options. This insight will guide you in tailoring a plan that addresses the specific needs of your workforce, whether it’s preventive care, chronic condition management, mental health support, or family coverage.

Choose the Right Coverage Options

With an array of coverage options available, selecting the most suitable plan can be overwhelming. Collaborate with experienced brokers like SWEB to navigate through the intricacies of insurance policies. Consider factors such as:

  • Deductibles
  • Co-payments
  • Network providers
  • Prescription drug coverage


To design a plan that strikes a balance between affordability and comprehensive coverage.

Embrace Preventive Care

Prevention is better than cure, and a proactive approach to health care can lead to substantial cost savings in the long run. Integrate preventive services in your group health plan, such as:

  • Vaccinations
  • Screenings
  • Wellness programs


Encourage employees to prioritize their health through incentives, education, and access to resources aimed at promoting healthy lifestyle choices.

Support Mental Health and Well-being

Mental health is an integral component of overall well-being, yet it is often overlooked in traditional health plans. Recognize the importance of mental health support by incorporating coverage for counseling, therapy, and psychiatric services. Foster a supportive workplace culture that destigmatizes mental health issues and encourages open communication and access to resources for employees facing psychological challenges.

Ensure Accessibility and Affordability

Accessibility to healthcare services can significantly impact employee engagement and satisfaction.

  • Opt for plans that offer a wide network of healthcare providers.
  • Include a wide variety of primary care physicians, specialists, and hospitals, to ensure convenient access to quality care.
  • Explore cost-sharing mechanisms such as Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) or Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs).

Educate and Empower Employees

Transparent communication is key to maximizing the value of your group health plan. Educate employees about the features, benefits, and utilization of their health coverage through comprehensive onboarding sessions, informational materials, and regular updates. Empower employees to become informed healthcare consumers by providing access to online portals, decision-support tools, and personalized guidance from benefits experts.

Adapt to Changing Needs

The healthcare landscape is constantly evolving, necessitating ongoing evaluation and adaptation of your group health plan. Regularly assess the effectiveness of your plan through feedback mechanisms, utilization reports, and benchmarking against industry standards. Stay informed about regulatory changes, market trends, and emerging innovations to ensure that your plan remains competitive and aligned with the evolving needs of your workforce.

Should You Offer Health Insurance?

Benefits are beneficial to your employee benefits packages. Although health care benefits are the most popular of benefits, every employer must consider which types of benefits best benefit their employees. Here are a few reasons why employers should consider benefits:

  • Retains talented employees
  • Having benefits helps with employee recruitment
  • Take advantage of less expensive health insurance

Pros and Cons of Offering Health Group Benefits Plans

There are numerous occasions where you should apply for benefits and apply them to your benefits packages. Offering benefits can help you with:

  • Attract and attain the most qualified employees by offering health insurance, which showcases your business’s commitment to employee well-being and sets you apart from competitors.
  • Gain tax advantages by including health insurance in compensation packages, allowing for income tax deductions on out-of-pocket costs paid by employees and making business expenses tax-deductible.
  • Avoid the Employer Shared Responsibility Payment by providing affordable coverage for full-time employees and their dependents, ensuring compliance with regulations and avoiding financial penalties.

Save Money and Time with SWEB Group Benefits Plans

By partnering with experienced UBA trusted brokers like Shepard Walton & Employee Benefits, you can navigate the complexities of healthcare options and design a plan that safeguards the health of your employees.

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