05 Jan 3 Employee Benefits You Need in Your Group Benefits Plan in the Rio Grande Valley
Are your employees attracted to your group benefits plan? In 2023, you need to be aware of trending employee group benefits plan in the Rio Grande Valley. Through Shepard Walton Employee Benefits, you can access thorough research on the trending benefits employees want. This is done with the help of our work with United Benefits Advisors (UBA). Not only can this be an incentive for prospective employees, but it can further build employee loyalty.
The benefits that are trending in 2023 are also based on the needs of the present. For example, during a time of inflation, you can expect an increased interest in:
● Medical insurance
● Accident insurance
● Disability insurance
Medical Insurance
Offering health insurance or an employee medical plan is mandatory by law. However, some offices offer sponsored medical care and provide the necessary medical providence. Having medical, life, dental, or vision insurance included in your employee benefits package shows your employees that you care not only for them but also for their families.
Accident Insurance
If an employee becomes injured inside the workplace, it’s best to get ahold of accident insurance. Accident-related injuries such as:
● Broken bones
● Dislocations
● Burns
● Dental injuries
● Eye injuries
● Emergency room urgent care injuries
These are some examples of potential accidents that would qualify for accident insurance. Including accident insurance in your benefits plans would benefit employees.
Disability Insurance
Getting a chance to get ahold of disability insurance is a good investment for employees. It can dramatically reduce the risk of financial setbacks if you become disabled. Without disability insurance, the amount of income needed to support an individual will make it difficult to afford—especially for those who support a family or keep up with savings and retirement goals.
SWEB is an HR Personnel’s Dream
We can interpret and provide the benefits that most support your group benefit plans in the Rio Grande Valley. Plus, through our exclusive access with UBA, you get access to information regarding company trends, employee benefit trends, and more. Contact us today and ask about the following:
- Employee Benefits Summary that describes a plan’s terms and conditions related to the operation and administration of the program. The summary of the plan document makes the information more accessible for others to understand.
- Benefit Newsletters that educate readers about new products, highlight employees, share successes and announce upcoming events or promotions. They also serve as another advertising vehicle by offering coupons or specials only for those who read the newsletter, which is a way to track leadership.
- Healthcare Navigation for individuals or your organization look for health coverage options through the Marketplace, including completing eligibility and enrollment forms.
Find an Employee Group Benefits Plan in the Rio Grande Valley
Planning for your employee benefits plan doesn’t have to be complicated. Regarding finding the best in your plan, staying up to date on the latest benefit trends can have advantages. Moreover, here are some trendy benefits to taking advantage of when creating your employee benefits plan. Ask a SWEB professional with just a call (956) 213-3050) or a click away!
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