Employee Benefits in McAllen

Employee Benefits in McAllen and What to Expect in the Coming Year

Find out more on how you can prepare to get the best benefits out of your insurance plan, while also learning more about other benefits that could be useful to employers and employees alike! Check out these tips on getting the best employee benefits in McAllen to prepare for the upcoming year! 

Examples of Employee Benefits in McAllen

Employee benefits are employee compensation packages that include certain extra health benefits that are included with your health benefits package. Although getting your hands on common benefits that are better known as tangible or intangible compensations, these types of benefits are given based on wages as well as employee salaries. Other benefits that are included but not limited to the standard health benefits are:

  • Retirement savings plans
  • Paid vacation days
  • Worker’s Compensation

Why Should Employers Offer Benefits To Employees?

Deciding to build an effective plan or just adding to your policies can all differ in the upcoming year. Therefore, benefits packages are more of a good reason to get them. Getting employee benefits helps you manage your high-performing employees as well as receive more applicable employees who are seeking job opportunities, moreso, if you get employee benefits, the more applicants will want to stay and get ahold of those benefits. As a result, all of employees would accept lower pay if they receive:

  • Flexible hours
  • Important benefits
  • Strong health insurance

The Most Common and Best Employee Benefits

There are about 4 major types of employee benefits, these types of benefits are typically available wherever you apply for insurance. Therefore, if you are looking for the standard type of employee benefits here are what you will be receiving:

  • Time off
  • Insurance 
  • Retirement plans
  • Additional compensation


There are alternative and other employee benefits that are just as important and beneficial to your employees:

  • Food and snacks
  • Life insurance
  • Extended leave
  • Bonuses/ awards/ gifts
  • Company equipment 
  • Private health care plans
  • Training and development
  • Work from home and/or flexible hours

Most of these types of benefits vary depending on the location but there are also benefits exclusive that pertain to different areas. 

Group Employee Benefits With The Right Tools!

Here are a few things to consider when managing your health benefits:

  • Hire a direct employee benefits specialist
  • Find the right software
  • Measure benefits and costs diligently
  • Include a description of benefits and perks in your employee handbook 
  • Monitor employee’s wishes and needs

Benefit Solutions With SWEB and UBA

Shepard Walton Employee Benefits is partnered with United Benefit Advisors (UBA), in order to provide the best in services and solutions that benefit your business and insurance benefits. If you are interested in our customization services, we have many options catering to your specific and general needs for your business or company! Get viable information that will help you get the best benefits while receiving other capable options that best suit your business! With UBA services, you can have the opportunity for group insurance benefits and gain access to: 

  • Healthcare Reform Impact Study
  • Employee feedback services
  • Employee contribution strategy
  • Healthcare navigation

Need Help in Finding Your Perfect Benefits? Let SWEB Answer All Your Questions!

Although there are a few ways to manage your employee benefits in McAllen plans effectively to save and reduce risks, there are certain precautions you must take in order to ensure that you get the right benefits. Ask a SWEB professional at (956) 213-3050) or a message us.