HR rep looking at computer for group benefit plans in harlingen

How SWEB Helps HR Practitioners with Group Benefit Plans in Harlingen

A Human Resource Practitioner is a link between the business and the employee, although it isn’t an easy role, practitioners must support employees and do their best to represent the employer. Shepard and Walton Employee Benefits (SWEB) knows the important of HR teams  finding group benefit plans in Harlingen for companies just like yours. 

With SWEB you get:

  • Easy access to health plans
  • Customizable group benefit plans
  • Review of possible program and plan savings

Importance of HR management

As internal consultants, it’s up to human resources practitioners to function as external management consultants and work alongside their colleagues, and or clients. They specialize in analyzing problems, diagnosing issues, and proposing solutions. They will involve themselves in the development of Human Resources processes or systems as process consulting. 

Support for HR Practitioners

What employees look for when choosing a job is information on the management, compensation, time-off, and insurance opportunity. However, a few other ways HR Practitioners can help their employer is implementing processes for:

  • HR compliance
  • Talent management
  • Workplace safety adherence
  • Training and development processes
  • Compensation and benefits programs

SWEB and Group Benefit Plans in Harlingen

Giving your HR practitioners the best tools for the business is one of the benefits you can receive when consulting with SWEB. With their partnership with United Benefits Advisors (UBA), SWEB can keep your human resource practitioners informed and prepared for your team’s growth. 

You may get access to:

  • Access to ERISA Attorneys within your area that can help your company with potential claims. 
  • Coordination of Benefits to let your employees know what kind of benefits they will receive.
  • Financial Stability Review where employers can inspect their finances with stability reviews.
  • Healthcare Navigation to give your employees coverage and provide them with realistic healthcare options.

Improving Your HR Department 

It’s important for an HR department to stay on top of the latest in their field. With Shepard Walton Employee Benefits, you get access to competitive group benefit plans, and United Benefit Advisors tools, including:

  • UBA HR Insider
  • UBA ACA Advisor
  • UBA Health Plan Survey
  • UBA Employer Webinar

Ask About Custom Group Benefit Plans in Harlingen

Contact us today if you are searching for better benefits that accommodate your business’s plans.